Saturday, February 25, 2012

Are you Fake Christians ????

Are you Fake Christians?
In our churches—in very nearly every church—there are folks who, plain and simple, are not Christians.
They look like good people and act like good people. They carry and quote bibles. But they have no relationship with Jesus, despite how much the Holy Spirit
is trying to draw them to him. There’s reality to be had, but they’re comfortable
with their misrepresentation of Christ. And they’re not producing fruit of the spirit at all.
I don’t say this to put fear into you. Most of the time they’re really not a problem. I’m just saying this because you need to be aware: Fake Christians exist. Not because they have an evil plan and are attempting to undermine the
church and make it either dysfunctional or non-functional.
(Although the Devil will certainly try to use them to do that.)
For some, it’s because they honestly think they are Christians; and for the rest,
there are all sorts of reasons why they’re faking it.
In any case, we need to identify who the fake Christians are. The reason is obvious: Their lack of relationship with Jesus will inevitably get in the way of your relationship with Jesus. While you’re pursuing God, they’re trying to keep up appearances, and you’ll butt heads because your motives are different—and sometimes even opposed. So how do we identify fake Christians?
The same way we identify Christians: Fruits
Ah, you were wondering why I used the “fruit” graphic. Yes, fruit—the good works, good behaviors, and good attitudes that we Christians should be able to point to as evidence that the Holy Spirit is working in our lives, and that we truly have a relationship with Jesus.
The fruitless Christian, however, doesn’t exist. So-called “Christians” who lack love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Ga 5.22-23) are not allowing the Holy Spirit to put these
things in their lives. Anybody fighting the Spirit to the degree that you see nothing
—and hell, most pagans appear to show something!—simply isn’t a Christian.
Not that good deeds have anything to do with saving us, but faith without works is dead,
and that sort of “Christian” is as dead as they come. How fake are you?
You know where I got these descriptions? Myself. I used to be an awful . I still have work to do.You’re going to find that you can diagnose
a lot of people in your church from these descriptions. You might even find
yourself in there somewhere. Don’t freak out; just do some soul-searching,
turn to God, and repent.
You’re also going to find that you can diagnose a lot of people in your church from these descriptions. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that your conspiracy-nut neighbor who lacks peace is automatically no Christian. Like you and me, he may suck at one fruit, but excel in another. He lacks peace, but he overflows with love, kindness, goodness, and self-control…
My point is to help us recognize some of the symptoms of a person who’s resisting the Spirit, so that we know who’s actually working on a closer relationship with Jesus, and who’s just going through the motions in order to hide their lack of relationship. If someone exhibits more of these symptoms than fruit of the Spirit, tread cautiously. Remember, fake Christians don’t always know they’re fake, and will really resent your correction unless it’s handled with a very soft touch. Be gracious.
But like I said, don’t let them get into any position of spiritual authority or partnership.
And again, if these descriptions fit you, you now know what you’ll need to work on. I’m working on it too.

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Trusting in the Lord

The ladies and I pulled our chairs together forming a circle.  We read First Kings 18:37-39 and Acts 3:1-6.  Then talked about how to apply these Scriptures to our lives. A demonstration of God's power caused the people to cry: the Lord, He is God! In Acts when Peter spoke to the crippled man there was another demonstration of divine power. God wants us to trust Him to demonstrate His power through us so that our loved ones will come to know Him.  It was then one lovely young woman spoke: I have a trust issue and become fearful when I think that God wants me to do something.  We could identify with her and asked God to help us grow in grace that we might learn to trust Him more.

To the glory of the Father I welcome you, Holy Spirit. I'm so grateful that You are my Helper as I prepare for the New Year. I humble myself before You asking for Divine Guidance.  In Jesus’ name I commit myself anew to Your plans and purposes, tha t I might run the full race completing the destiny to which You have called me.  I trust in You, Lord, I put my full confidence in You and Your word, and delight myself in You.  Father-God, be glorified in my life throughout the coming year as never before, in Jesus name.  Amen.

          Psalm 37:3-5; Isaiah 26:4; James 4:10

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pass Church Hurt .... Let Go and Be Healed

Pass Church Hurt …. Let Go and be Healed …

I have been talking to God, who is my best friend. In your lifetime, why are you looking for approval, respect, mercy, apology, appreciation and the welfare of others?  The word is GRUDGE, words have meaning this is why I tell people be carefully of words. We must be very careful what we plot at a distance, lest we follow through when close. Nothing is harmless about a grudge. The Greek word for “nursed a grudge against” means “to be held in or by anything; to be entangled in something, be enmeshed, to be subject to.”  Holding grudge, nearly everyone has been hurt by the actions or words of another.  These wounds can leave you with lasting feelings of anger, bitterness and even vengeance — but if you don't practice forgiveness, you may be the one who pays most dearly. By embracing forgiveness, you embrace peace, hope, gratitude and joy. One of the things How Church Leader goes around hurting people of God. I don’t understand why, but one thing I know is “TRUTH” always comes to the table …. Forgiveness is a decision to let go of resentment and thoughts of revenge. The act that hurt or offended you may always remain a part of your life, but forgiveness can lessen its grip on you and help you focus on other, positive parts of your life. Forgiveness can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy and compassion for the one who hurt you.
Forgiveness doesn't mean that you deny the other person's responsibility for hurting you, and it doesn't minimize or justify the wrong. You can forgive the person without excusing the act. Forgiveness brings a kind of peace that helps you go on with life. If you allow negative feelings to crowd out positive feelings, you may find yourself swallowed up by your own bitterness or sense of injustice. In doing some further study, I saw that the word grudge is found quite often in the scriptures and we are warned against grudging. (Leviticus 19:18, James 5:9, 1 Peter 4:9) The scriptures refer instead to loving your neighbor as yourself and forgiving others as you have been forgiven by God so as to prevent any bitterness from growing. (Galatians 5:14, Matthew 6:12, Ephesians 4:31, Hebrews 12:15)  But I thank God for Freedom....

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Keep looking for the Butterflies

Hello People,     
God was speaking to me about BUTTERFLIES. They symbolizes change, talk to God about Wisdom and everlasting Knowledge. Like a Butterfly, we are all different and beautiful in our own way. The key word is METAMORPHOSIS a Butterfly and other things undergo this process. It is symbolic of the spiritual evolution ALL CHRISTIANS go through *** Rebirth & New Beginning ***. We have the new life from and old one *** TRANSFORMATION ***. When you see a BUTTERFLY let is remind you to make changes when the opportunity arises.  People change and transformation are inevitable for us ALL, but it does not to be traumatic. In my Women Group “Women of Inheritance” I have been talking about FREEDOM.
 There is joy, peace, love and etc...
 In GOD. Christ Redemption and Regeneration   *** BORN AGAIN *** WE become *** NEW CREATION ***
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.(2Cor.5:17)The renewed man acts upon new principles, by new rules, with new ends, and in new company. The believer is created anew; his heart is not merely set right, but a new heart is given him. He is the workmanship of God, created in Christ Jesus unto good works. Though the same as a man, he is changed in his character and conduct. These words must and do mean more than an outward reformation. The man who formerly saw no beauty in the Saviour that he should desire him, now loves him above all things. The heart of the unregenerate is filled with enmity against God, and God is justly offended with him. Yet there may be reconciliation. Our offended God has reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ. By the inspiration of God, the Scriptures were written, which are the word of reconciliation; showing that peace has been made by the cross, and how we may be interested therein. Though God cannot lose by the quarrel, nor gain by the peace, yet he beseeches sinners to lay aside their enmity, and accept the salvation he offers. Christ knew no sin. He was made Sin; not a sinner, but Sin, a Sin-offering, a Sacrifice for sin. The end and design of all this was, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him, might be justified freely by the grace of God through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus. Can any lose, labour, or suffer too much for Him, who gave his beloved Son to be the Sacrifice for their sins, that they might be made the righteousness of God in him?

·         Ish. 43:19
·         Ish. 65:!7
·         Eph. 4:24
·         Ezk. 36:26
·         John 3:3
·         Rom. 6:4

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Do you understand the Job?

Do you understand the Job?
Everybody wants to be a Prophet/Prophetess but you got to flow in_______. He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.” (Revelation 2:29)
We need to listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church.
Some people think that a prophet/Prophetess must give personal prophecies to qualify to walk in the office of a prophet. That’s partially true. He will give personal prophecies, but his revelation gifting goes far beyond personal prophecy. Personal prophecy is the lowest prophetic operation of the true prophet. I say that because some have hyper-focused on personal prophecy and miss the big picture of the prophet’s ministry. Prophetic ministry is a wonderful gift from God. Prophets also:
·         Are forerunners who make a way for “greater things” to come (Matthew 3:3)?
·         Deal with spiritual climates (Jeremiah 1:10).
·         Turn people from sin to holiness (Jeremiah 23:21-22).
·         Are front line intercessors (Jeremiah 27:18)?
·         Turn the hearts of fathers and sons (Malachi 4:5-6).
·         Challenge dead traditions of men and dangerous spirits of religion (Matthew 3:9-10).
·         Are stewards of the mysteries of God (Ephesians 3:5)?
·         Carry lamentations, mourning and woe (intercession burdens) (Ezekiel 2:10).
·         Are fore-tellers of things to come (Amos 3:7)?
·         Contend with false prophets of divination including Jezebel and Baal (1 Kings 18:19).
·         Challenge demonic territorial guards (Acts 13:7).
·         Speak to the nations and kingdoms (Jeremiah 1:5).

Sunday, September 11, 2011

“Seven Laws” for success From Mike Murdock

I recently came across Mike Murdock of Inspiration Ministries “Seven Laws” for success in life thanks to another Facebook Friend. I’m recapping them here because I think they are great lessons for contemplation and reflection and provide a template for what some may consider the 7 laws you need to ponder, harness and/or live by to have true success in life. They are:

Law # 1 The Law of difference
This is having the wisdom to be able to discern difference. What makes you different from everyone else. What problem can you solve?

Law#2 The Law of the Mind
Knowing how to focus the mind, to rule the mind, to make the mind work for you, not let the mind control you. To learn, to be focused, to concentrate, to have a picture in your mind of what you want and go for it, like visualization. See it. Have pictures up on the wall.

Law# 3 The Law of Recognition
The thing you need is there; it’s just a matter of recognizing it. If there’s something missing in your life, there’s more than likely something you’re not seeing. Most of the time it’s right in front of your face but you are so conditioned and so distracted that you don’t see it. I like this one a lot. Tai chi helps with this, and taking the time for contemplation and meditation. What are you not seeing?

Law #4 The Law of 2
Mike Murdoch speaks of the power of covenant, and that the difference in seasons is a person. One person can change your life in 24 hours. All you need is one person to recognize what is special about you, to take you on as a mentor to you, to enter into a covenant with you. Who is that person?

Law #5 The Law of Place

Where you are is as important as what you are. Mike Murdoch speaks of Jesus, who had to leave his hometwown and preach elsewhere to be recognized. When you are where you belong, your genius emerges. So it behooves us to consider whether we are where we need to be, and if not, where is that place.

Law #6 The Law of Honor
Your future is determined by who you have chosen to honor. You must have a code of honor. Honor is a seed that will outlast a lifetime.

Law #7 The Law of the Seed
Our offerings to God are seeds that produce a harvest. There are many types of seeds in our life. Honor is the seed for access, kindness is a seed, time is a seed, love is a seed, teaching is a seed, giving is a seed. This law is to work in the financial arena as well

Which of these laws is most important to you?

God has me study the Book of James. What does the Book of James means to you?

I want to talk about the Book of James Chapter 1. Which verse or verses you like in Chapter 1 ?James Chapter 1 we learn how Christians are to deal with trials and temptations that undoubtedly will come our way. We also learn that we are to be not only to be hearers, but doers of the Word of God.  The verse I like is verse 4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
 6 Perfect things in James 1:4
  • Perfect work of patience (1:4)
  • Perfect knowledge (Phil.3:15)
  • Perfect gifts (1:17)
  • Perfect law of liberty (1:25)
  • Perfect faith by works (2:22)
  • Perfect man by restraint (3:2)
 Why should we be swift to hear and slow to speak as James teaches us in James Chapter 1 verse 19? What are three things we can do to become “faster” hearers and “slower” speakers?

We should be swift to hear and slow to speak because it will promote peace and understanding in our relationships with one another. We want peace because, as verse 20 says, an angry man does not bring about or work the righteousness of God. It is better to esteem others before ourselves (Philippians 2:3).

To become a faster hearer:
  • Don’t interrupt
  • Listen with a focus on understanding
  • Try to paraphrase the information back to the speaker if possible
  • Take notes while listening
  • Don’t speak while listening
  • Remove distractions
  • Concentrate on what is being said
  • Listen with the intent on understanding why the message is being provided
  • Discern if there is some action required on the part of the listener
  • Give non-verbal encouragement to the speaker to show him or her you are engaged in the act of listening intently
  • Ask God to give you patience to understand the speaker
  • Pray that God will allow you to understand clearly
  • Ask clarifying questions – “What do you mean by. . .”
  • Ask confirming questions - “Are you saying that if. . . “
  • Try to avoid thinking of how you will respond while the other person is speaking
To become a slower speaker:
  • Wait until the person is finished talking before you speak (see #1 above)
  • Pray silently before you speak
  • Pause before answering
  • Say, “Let me think about that for a second.” and do it
  • “Hold your peace” or wait until someone asks your opinion before you speak
  • Choose your words carefully and deliberately
  • Be concise and to the point
  • Before offering a response or speaking consider whether your proposed speech is in line with God’s Word
  • Before you speak, ask yourself “Is this how Jesus would respond?”
  • If possible seek the counsel of a fellow Christian to formulate a response

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Witchcraft- Church ??

When religious activity is not spiritually motivated but carnally motivated it releases a form of witchcraft. Witchcraft is a power that influences people, gives a place to demon activity, battles against the minds of men, challenges the Church of Jesus Christ, buffets the maturity of believers, hinders church growth, comes against families, marriages and relationships, and frustrates the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Witchcraft can be released through the rebellious and the stubborn, both actions described in the Word of God as workings of the flesh. Scripture says, “O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are ye so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?” (Galatians 3:1-3).

Notice the words bewitched, spirit and flesh. The word bewitched, means to be charmed, seduced, or to be placed under a spell. The writer of Galatians ties witchcraft to the manifesting or workings of the flesh. The meaning of flesh in this scripture is the meaning the carnal mind, or better described as the earthly nature of man apart from the Spirit of God. A person, therefore, who is “governed” by the actions of the flesh, can release witchcraft upon himself or others.
Religion also releases witchcraft when it intentionally avoids the ministry of the Holy Spirit. scripture says, “Having a form of godliness but denying the power-dunamis thereof: from such turn away” (2 Timothy 3:5) This religious counterfeit can be identified because it looks like the Church, yet is carnally motivated and disregards the necessity of the power of God. That power is the ministry of the Holy Spirit Himself.
There are many religious people in the world who say they are born again yet attack the ministry of the Holy Spirit. They challenge the baptism of the Holy Spirit, miracles, and healing today, speaking in other tongues, prophecy, deliverance, fervent prayer, the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit, and much more. Rather than have Holy Spirit administered lives, ministries, and churches, they hold fast to man-made programs, vain traditions, and secular social activities.
Religion releases witchcraft when it is governed by the flesh rather than the Spirit of God. It was religious people, supposedly born again, that persistently stirred up trouble for the Apostle Paul. (Acts 15).
The basics of religion are a lack of spiritual sensitivity, hypocrisy, self-righteousness, and a form of godliness that denies the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Just get around a person who has that nasty, contentious religious spirit and you will experience the working of witchcraft from religion.
The good news is that we can, through our love for Jesus Christ, crucify that old carnal nature. scripture instructs us to take off our old corrupted manner of living and put on the new man, which is created in righteousness and true holiness in God’s likeness (Ephesians 4:22-24).

Monday, August 29, 2011

How do I forgive myself?

How do I forgive myself?
I Hope we all realize that struggling under self- condemnations
is in not the Way of God wants us to live. These are some of the steps:
Acknowledge: To recognize that you have not forgiven yourself. Face up to this
fact, and begin to deal with the issue.
Repent: Tell the Lord that you realize your self- condemnation is a sin. Then
accept and thank Him for His forgiveness.
Believe God: Reaffirm your trust in the truth of Scripture. God says He removed
your transgression as far as the east is from the west.
Choose Forgiveness: Based on God's Word, by an act of your will, in faith,
choose to forgive yourself. Please notice that feelings aren't mentioned
anywhere in these steps. Each one is a choice based on truth, not emotions.
Stop replaying in your mind the old recording of your sin, which stirs up
guilt, but instead replay the truths of Scripture. Freedom from the prison of
guilt and regret is only a choice away. Jesus came to set the captives free (Luke 4:18)
As you take hold of His forgiveness and release your guilt, you’ll walk out of that jail of
Self- condemnation into the joy of abundant life.
In Touch – Pastor Charles F. Stanley

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Friendship? Are you a friend ?

When you have a personal relationship with a person what would you expect?
  •  To spend quality time with each other
  •  To trust each other with heart-felt needs
  •  To forgive when you hurt each other’s feelings
  •  To be honest
  •  To communicate (letters, notes, email, telephone)
  •  To be there in the tough times
How much more of a friend is Jesus to us than any human?
He promised to never leave us nor forsake us.
     Joshua 1:5 “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave your nor forsake you.”
He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
     Proverbs 18:24 “There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”
     John 15:13 “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down His life for his friends.”

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Prayers That Avail Much-

Success of a Meeting
Father, in the name of Jesus, we approach the throne of grace boldly and confidently. May the Word of God come forth accurately and in love during the _Women of Inheritance - Women Group__ meeting. We ask You to anoint each speaker to teach and preach the Word of God in simplicity, with boldness and with accuracy during the entire meeting. We ask that those who hear will not be able to resist the wisdom and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that will be spoken through Your ministers of the Gospel.
As Your Word is taught, we ask You to cause people to open their spiritual eyes and ears that they might turn from darkness to light — from the power of Satan to You, Father — and that they will personally confess Jesus as their Lord.
We commit this meeting to You, Father; we deposit it into Your charge — entrusting this meeting, the people who will hear, and the people who will speak into Your protection and care. We commend this meeting to the Word — the commands and counsels and promises of Your unmerited favor. Father, we know that Your Word will build up the people and cause them to realize that they are joint-heirs with Jesus.
We believe, Father, that as Your Word comes forth, an anointing will be upon the speaker(s), and _____Prophetess Toni Teagle ___will be submitted completely to the Holy Spirit, for the Word of God that is spoken is alive and full of power, making it active, operative, energizing and effective, being sharper than any two-edged sword. We ask You to meet the need of every person spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially.
We thank You, Father, and praise You that, because we have asked and agreed together, these petitions have come to pass. Let these words with which we have made supplication before the Lord be near to the Lord our God day and night, that He may maintain the cause and right of His people in the _Women of Inheritance- Women Group _(meeting) as each day of it requires! We believe that all the earth’s people will know that the Lord is God and there is no other! Hallelujah! Amen.

Scripture References:James 5:16 Acts 26:18
Matthew 18:19 Acts 20:32
Ephesians 6:19 Hebrews 4:12
Acts 6:10 Philippians 4:19
Ephesians 1:18 1 Kings 8:59,60
©2011 Word Ministries, Inc.

Seven Sins Against the Holy Spirit

Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things the LORD HATES, seven that are DETESTABLE to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.
The book of Proverbs is all about wisdom versus foolishness. Proverbs 26:25 says, speaking of the foolish person who rejects wisdom, "When he speaks graciously, do not believe him, For there are seven abominations in his heart." A person who does not fear God does not have understanding, does not walk in righteousness, and has no regard for the truth. He may be pleasant, well-mannered, polite, gracious, and an interesting communicator, but the fool is full of deceit, holding seven abominations in his heart. Proverbs 6:16-19 explains what these abominations are, these seven things that God hates:
God hates haughty eyes. Haughty implies lifting or exalting oneself up, pride, arrogance, and being consumed with self. Haughtiness is driven by looking down on others, an attitude of superiority and a lack of trust in God. God hates a lying tongue .Lying makes love impossible, truth difficult to find, and relationships awfully hard to sustain. God hates hands that shed innocent blood. God wants people, churches, and nations who live with integrity and who can be beacons of hope for others, standing on behalf of the innocent.
God hates a heart that devises wicked plans. He wants our thought lives to be honoring to Him, seeking His will and His kingdom, rather than plotting a way to do something wrong. God hates feet that run rapidly to evil.  We need to be like God, hating evil, rather than running fast to do it. God hates a false witness who utters lies. False witnesses who wrongly defame the reputation of others are a great evil in God's sight. We need to be careful of who we endorse lest we, thinking we are witnessing for the truth, are witnessing for what is false.
God hates one who spreads strife among brothers. We can spread strife by picking fights, by lying, by tempting, by teasing, and by just being difficult and having a bad attitude. Some people prefer contention and combat rather than peace and harmony. We should see growth and progression over time as the Holy Spirit gets rid of foolish habits, thoughts, attitudes, and actions. As Proverbs 4:18 says, "But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn that shines brighter and brighter until the full day." This God loves.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


* A seed is alive: it contains life.
 There is only one way to prove a seed is alive -- plant it.
* A seed does nothing until planted.
Seeds do not grow sitting in a sack on your shelf. They must be planted in the proper place.
If you desire the Word of God to produce in your life, you must decide to plant the Word in your heart,mind and soul.
The best way to plant the seed of God's Word in your life is by speaking the Word. Hearing others speak the Word is good -- but will not produce as bountiful a harvest as speaking the Word yourself.
Speaking God's Word with your mouth is essential. As we speak God's Word we are planting the seed in our heart for the harvest of results we desire.
ROMANS 10:10 NKJ 10 For with the heart one believes to righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation. Whatever you need to be saved or delivered from, confession (what you say) is essential.
* A seed is much smaller than the plant it produces.
The problem you face may seem huge. In comparison, a scripture may seem very small. But when planted, that Word will grow in you and overcome the problem.
* A seed always produces after its kind.
GALATIANS 6:7 NKJ 7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
Whatever you need, or desire, find scriptures relating to that. Then plant those scriptures inside you in abundance. Those seeds will grow up and produce a harvest of what you need or desire.
* A seed is powerful.
As a seed begins to grow, it will push up dirt, rocks, etc. Whatever the obstacles are, God's Word planted in your heart will push them out of the way.
* A seed begins its growth in secret (underground).
The only way to tell if a seed is growing is to dig it up, or wait for a plant to appear. If you dig up a seed, you may kill it.
* A seed takes time to produce.
No one expects a seed to produce a harvest the same day that seed is planted.
Sometimes the Word of God seems to spring up and bear fruit immediately. Yet, if we knew the details, we would understand that the fruit of the Word grew in that person's life over time.
* A seed is persistent.
A seed never gives up, but works day and night. Even when you are sleeping, the seed you have planted is working to grow and express itself in a fruitful harvest.
* A seed is not affected by other seeds.
Whatever happens to other seeds does not make any difference to a specific seed. Each seed sticks to its own task. One wheat seed planted in a corn field will still produce wheat. Seed does not become discouraged, or quit, even if other seeds die.
* A seed will stop growing without nourishment.
Planting a seed is not enough to assure a harvest. Seed must be protected and taken care of until harvest time. A seed which is dug up, or not watered, will not produce.
* More seeds planted produce a larger harvest.
2 CORINTHIANS 9:6 NKJ 6 But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
Think on these truths about seeds. Allow the Holy Spirit to help you apply them to the role of God's Word in your life.

Psalm 27 - Was Giving to me.

Was Given to me From Prophetess Paula 8\11\2011

Psalm 27

Amplified Bible (AMP)

Psalm 27

[A Psalm] of David.
 1THE LORD is my Light and my Salvation--whom shall I fear or dread? The Lord is the Refuge and Stronghold of my life--of whom shall I be afraid?     2When the wicked, even my enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.
    3Though a host encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war arise against me, [even then] in this will I be confident.
    4One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek, inquire for, and [insistently] require: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His presence] all the days of my life, to behold and gaze upon the beauty [the sweet attractiveness and the delightful loveliness] of the Lord and to meditate, consider, and inquire in His temple.
    5For in the day of trouble He will hide me in His shelter; in the secret place of His tent will He hide me; He will set me high upon a rock.
    6And now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about me; in His tent I will offer sacrifices and shouting of joy; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.
    7Hear, O Lord, when I cry aloud; have mercy and be gracious to me and answer me!
    8You have said, Seek My face [inquire for and require My presence as your vital need]. My heart says to You, Your face (Your presence), Lord, will I seek, inquire for, and require [of necessity and on the authority of Your Word].
    9Hide not Your face from me; turn not Your servant away in anger, You Who have been my help! Cast me not off, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation!
    10Although my father and my mother have forsaken me, yet the Lord will take me up [adopt me as His child].
    11Teach me Your way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain and even path because of my enemies [those who lie in wait for me].
    12Give me not up to the will of my adversaries, for false witnesses have risen up against me; they breathe out cruelty and violence.
    13[What, what would have become of me] had I not believed that I would see the Lord's goodness in the land of the living!
    14Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord.

Friday, August 5, 2011

God's Joy

We reflect God. We reflect Jesus. We should appear to have more joy, more peace, and more assurance than anyone else. Right? So, do me a favor this week, check your face, check your reactions, check your words, and check your attitude. Take a good honest look at yourself, your reactions, and your face and make sure that you are representing God in the way He deserves to be represented. Shine, like He shines. Have joy, like He has joy. A merry heart is good medicine - take a dose this week. Let people see God in you. Remember, attitudes are contagious. Let them know that it is a pleasure and a joy to serve Him. And in whatever circumstances you find yourself in...choose life...choose a good attitude and your God will exalt you. It's His promise.